TEMPLE, TEXAS (March 19, 2025) — The Texas Economic Development Council recognized the Temple EDC for Economic Excellence during its Winter Conference in Austin, TX. The program recognizes economic development organizations throughout the state for their commitment to professional excellence in the industry. This is the third year that Temple EDC has earned this recognition.
“The TEDC’s Economic Excellence Recognition program is one of the ways in which our organization honors the outstanding commitment to excellence of our communities and regions, their leaders, and their economic development professionals have toward the professionalization of their economic development efforts,” Carlton Schwab, President/CEO of the Texas Economic Development Council, said.
The Texas Economic Development Council’s Economic Excellence Recognition program honors economic development organizations that exhibit a desired threshold of professionalism. Recipients qualify for recognition based on training taken by their governing bodies, economic development directors, and staff. Certifications, professional memberships, and organizational effectiveness are all also taken into consideration.
“This recognition is an acknowledgement of the hard work and commitment of both the Temple EDC Board of Directors, City of Temple, and our staff, who year after year attend conferences, trainings, and seminars geared towards helping us build upon our reputation as one of the best economic development organizations in the state,” Temple EDC President & CEO Adrian Cannady said.
The Temple Economic Development Corporation (Temple EDC) is a nonprofit organization that serves as the contracted economic development entity for the City of Temple, Texas. Temple EDC strengthens relationships, builds partnerships, and provides solutions that cause entities to choose Temple. To learn more about doing business in Temple, visit TempleEDC.com.